Tuesday 15 October 2013

Face-Off: Sion Vs Abaddon

In this Face-Off we'll be looking at two badass undead guys with similar play: Sion from League of Legends, and Abaddon from Dota 2. Let's compare the abilities of these two tanky characters. (Below you can find Sion and Abaddon's detailed abilities for reference)

Passive: Sion's passive Feel No Pain is similar to the Dota 2 item Vanguard, which has a 2225g cost. Although Vanguard offers extra block and increased health, a passive skill is much more beneficial than an item which will put you out over 2k gold. This is the only way that Abaddon can attain a chance to block damage similar to Sion's passive.

Q Ability: Sion's first ability, Cryptic Gaze is your standard stun of 1.5 seconds and deals scaling magic damage. Although it's only a single target stun, it can be useful in team fights as well as during a gank. Abaddon's Death Coil damages an enemy or heals an ally while taking 50% of the damage he deals/heals. The scaling of this ability is pretty poor, so later game the ability falls off quite a bit. Even if Death Coil can only heal or damage heroes for a small amount, it can change team fights by saving an ally or securing a kill during a chase. Additionally, during Abaddon's ultimate, Death Coil will end up healing Abaddon instead of damaging him, making it a useful situational utility.

W Ability: Both Sion's Death's Caress ability and Abaddon's Aphotic Shield offer a shield which absorbs a set amount of damage and explodes to deal the absorbed damage to enemies. Sion's ability to detonate his shield any time after 4 seconds is a useful utility allowing him to deliberately damage opponents in fights as well as CS. Abaddon's shield lasts 5 seconds longer than Sion's, can be applied to any hero on Abaddon's team and can also remove some stuns and debuffs from the targeted hero. Aphotic Shield has way more utility for team play than Death's Caress.

E Ability: Sion's Enrage gives Sion increased attack damage and allows him to rack up permanent HP increases for last hitting for the cost of some of Sion's health. This blood thirst style ability helps with last hitting and makes Sion extremely tanky the longer the game goes on. Additionally, this ability doesn't damage Sion when his ultimate is active. Abaddon's Curse of Avernus imbues his sword with frost to slow enemies and granting him and other units attacking the slowed enemy bonus attack and movement speed. This is extremely useful while chasing and diving towers with his shield and ultimate available for his survivability. This skill also allows Abaddon's carries to chase and deal more damage in fights which is another great support utility.

R Ability: Sion's ultimate, Cannibalism, gives him a high degree of lifesteal for a limited time while healing allies in a close radius around him. This allows Sion to tank most of the incoming damage in team fights while offering healing to the entire team if they are in close enough range. This is his most useful skill because it's so useful in team fights. Abaddon's ultimate Borrowed Time turns all incoming damage into healing for a short amount of time. This allows Abaddon to tank in any team fight, being most useful when there are enemy heroes with high damage abilities. His ultimate can be activated or auto-casts when Abaddon reaches a certain percentage of health. With this ultimate Abaddon can completely overextend and dive towers making him one of the most tanky strength heroes in Dota 2.

Overall it seems like Abaddon is much more useful in team fights, not requiring too much farm to shine in battle by allowing allies greater survivability and attack. Sion requires more farm to really benefit from some of his abilities and often offers single target utility. Both can make great tanks and deal heavy damage, though their play style differ. It's still debatable which character is better than the other. What do you think? 

Who won this Face-Off?


Feel No Pain
(Passive ) Sion has a 40% chance to ignore up to 30/40/50 damage each time he is hit by an autoattack. The damage reduction is calculated before armor and percentage damage reduction benefits are taken into account.
Cryptic Gaze
Active: Sion's gaze terrifies a single enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning it for 1.5 seconds
Magic Damage: 70/125/180/240/300 (+90% AP)

Death's Caress
Active: Sion surrounds himself with a shield which absorbs damage for up to 10 seconds. After 4 seconds, if the shield has not been destroyed, the ability can be cast again to explode and deal magic damage to surrounding enemies. It will explode automatically after the 10 seconds have passed.
                           Shield Strength/Magic Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+90% AP)

Toggle: While toggled on, Sion has increased attack damage at the cost of some health for each autoattack. While enrage is active, Sion permanently increases his maximum health whenever he kills a unit with either his attacks or abilities. This effect is doubled against champions and large units. 
                           Bonus Attack Damage: 25/35/45/55/65
                           Health Gained Per Kill: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3

Active: For 20 seconds, Sion gains bonus lifesteal and 50% attack speed. Additionally, Sion's autoattacks will heal surrounding allies for a percentage of damage dealt.
Lifesteal: 50/75/100%
Heal to nearby allies: 25/37.5/50%


Death Coil
Abaddon releases a coil of death that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of some of Abaddon's health.
Heal/Damage to Target: 100/150/200/250
Damage to Abaddon: 50/75/100/125

Aphotic Shield
Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will burst and deal damage equal to the amount it could absorb to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs and stuns on cast.
                           Duration: 15
                           Absorbed Damage: 110/140/170/200
Curse of Avernus
Abaddon strikes an enemy with chilling power on each attack, causing all units who attack the slowed enemy to gain increased movement speed, along with faster attack speed, for a limited time.
Duration of Slow: 2.5
                           Slow: 5%/10%/15%/20%
                           Duration of Bonuses: 4.5
                           Bonus Attack Speed: 10/20/30/40
                           Bonus Movement Speed: 15%

Borrowed Time
When activated, most negative buffs will be removed and any damage you take will heal instead of damaging you. If the ability is not on cooldown, it will passively activate when your hitpoints drop below a certain threshold.
Duration: 3/4/5 (5/6/7*)


  1. thig is: sion is getting reworked soon:P.
    seems he will be more lifestealer than abbadon.

  2. Abbadon wins this fight, his ultimamte ability it's much better at fight's than Sion
