Sunday 29 September 2013

Face-off: Character Responses - League of Legends

League of Legends' champions have a lot of creativity and character put into them as well. They have their own dances and taunts and feature great voice acting too. Dota 2's responses were pretty good, but League's character responses can hold their own in this face-off.

Twitch is a strange creature who originated from the realm: Zaun. Zaun suffered from severe pollution. From depths of the pollution rose a plague in the form of a rat (Twitch). Twitch is a strong attack damage, ranged character but he smells really bad.

Thresh is a twisted reaper whose hungry chains ensnare the souls of the living. A moment's hesitation at the sight of his ghostly visage and there is no escape. He leaves in his wake hollow corpses, their souls ripped loose and trapped in the sickly green light of his lantern. Thresh is one of the most versatile characters in the game but his strong suit is support. He is very good at catching people.

Vi is a super tough chick who wields gigantic hextech gauntlets which most of her abilities are derived. She used to be a criminal but had a shift onto the other side of the law. Vi now uses her criminal knowledge to serve Piltover's police force. Vi can be played as a jungler or in top lane, in either position she still packs a punch.

Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a mischievous streak. There is nothing he can't beat into submission and bend to his will, not even the ice itself. With his massive, frozen club, he chills his enemies to the core and runs them through with jagged shards of ice. Trundle is really
good at chasing people down and is a strong champ to face one on one.

Similar to Dota, League incorporates rivalries from the lore seen through the various responses as these two champions collide. Rengar and Kha'zix mimic the classic rivalry alien vs predator. Rengar is a trophy hunter who seeks to study and eliminate all prey. Kha'zix is a predator whose goal is to conquer and consume Rengar, the only champion he considers his "equal". When these two characters have fully upgraded their ultimates on opposing teams, a secondary quest is activated called "thrill of the hunt". This quest triggers some pretty awesome quotes.

Kassadin was once an ordinary human, however his quest for knowledge led him to the Void. Upon his discovery he was forever changed and most of his humanity died. He obtained a new found power which he uses to protect Valoran from the creatures within the Void. Kassadin is a pretty strong mid lane champion because of his silencing ability but sometimes it still gets him into trouble.

Daughter of the Gray Warlock, and the Shadow Witch, Annie possesses immense arcane power. Although she is only a child, at the age of two she was able to convert a shadow bear into a teddy bear which she named Tibbers. Annie is the most sought after champion in League of Legends. Although in game Annie is just a little girl, appearances can be deceiving.

Fizz originated from a water dwelling race deep beneath a mountain in the sea. He left this place on several adventures only to one day return to find the city abandoned and in ruins. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted trident from the ruins and set out alone. Although Fizz is not much of a tanky champion, his abilities give him a lot of mobility to quickly engage and disengage from team fights.

So, who won this Face-off? Click here to see Dota 2's responses.

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